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  • Writer's pictureJB


There is a four-letter word that has been carved into my soul, and that word is HOPE! Hope gives reason to dream. Hope inspires, creates energy, encourages, and changes the game of life. Hope is the power that keeps us going through the toughest times in life.

Through hope, we can overcome our fears and turn them into possibilities. Hope is contagious. Hope is not an expensive thing; it just costs a belief. A belief in God, that during our darkest hours, His light will always shine bright.

God is called the Bright and Morning Star. He is the lifter of my head; He is the creator of the heavens and the universe. He is the star that shines the brightest and will never grow dim. That's why for me, I choose to put my hope in Him. I am a hope dealer, because He deals hope. Will you be a hope dealer? Will you bring hope to those around you?

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